Wednesday, 27 November 2019


As mentioned on their website, they have a simple chat example. WebSocket is a protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. The server implementation is quite straight forward: Yes, unless you disable SSL not recommended. Support and consulting services available separately. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Improving the question-asking experience. superwebsocket

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Handling historic market data can be tricky business. This is jsut How I used it.

C# (CSharp) SuperWebSocket Examples

The server implementation is quite straight forward: If anybody says an exact solution, I will adopt that one. Sign up using Email and Password.

SuperWebSockets is probably a better option for now. That nice to hear! Do you have more code to post?

Super WebSocket Stock, Futures, Forex, Cryptocurrency Market Quote Data Server | Modulus

Fully Customizable The SuperWebSocket Data Server was built using very modular and extensible code, which can be customized to stream any type of data. Sign up using Facebook. If you need to prime your historic market database, we provide historic market data in multiple time frames for futures, forex, stocks, options, cryptocurrencies and other markets.

The Modulus Source Code License includes approximately three million lines of source code, documentation, and example projects, with a perpetual license, including source code updates, for the following products: This is the thing which I want to achieve.

Real-time market data is stored on the server while being transmitted to users, so your clients can receive both real-time market data and historic market data simultaneously. Just wanted to state that superwebsocket is already multithreads. Yes, it comes with an admin panel, which lets you create, manage, and delete accounts, view connected superwebsoc,et, view logs, and more.

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Robar Robar 1, 1 superwebsockrt gold badge 24 24 silver badges 54 54 bronze badges. What programming languages do I need to know in order to use the data server?


All I need is a simple WebSocketServer with threading possibilities. Yes, we provide desktop, web, and mobile test clients. The server comes with built-in security and client access policies.


We designed it that way to help you save time and reduce your time to market. Flush ", if I drop the using.


Superwebslcket, unless you disable SSL not recommended. Does the data server come with an administrator program? Read more about us. Does the data server come with an example client to subscribe to data and consume data?

We provide support services through desktop sharing, skype, phone, email, and live chat. Email Required, but never shown. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. I found that SuperWebSocket can satisfy my needs. How do we handle problem users?

Expect Ultra High Performance and Scalability Based on our high-performance exchange communications engine, which powers stock, derivatives, and crypto exchanges, superwebocket SuperWebSocket Data Server can store and broadcast real-time and historic market data to an unlimited number of simultaneously connected web and mobile clients, as the solutoin is highly scalable.

So if you using it in your company that prove my point. Our support team will help you set up, compile, and run the data server. Alchemy is really cool! The SuperWebSocket Data Server was built using very modular and extensible code, which can be customized to stream any type of data.

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