Friday, 22 November 2019


Same issue, reinstalled, cleaned; no success aguascal said: If you can't figure out what's up with your mxtube dtunes is an alternative. TurboRiceCooker macrumors newbie Original poster. Also I think it has to be some rights issue Found this thread by Googling and wanted to share this with you guys. Hi, i have got the same problem. mxtube 2.1

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Found this thread by Googling and wanted to share this with you guys. I just updated my iPhone 3G to 2.

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Show hidden low quality content. I SSH'd into my phone and had to force remove a corrupted folder belonging to MxTube and everything works fine now. I have no idea what to do now, I'm pretty sure ,xtube don't have to restore it again, cause this was a completely fresh install.

I had the same problem with my 1st generation iPhone. Search Everywhere Threads This forum This thread. Same issue, reinstalled, cleaned; no success aguascal said: Could someone help me out??? But to jump in more detailed It's close to the same thing, you can stream or download songs, videos, and there's a torrent section that I have yet to look into. Any more ideas Thx Andi PS: Jul 3, 9 0 Northern VA. My mxtube actually doesn't get to the cannot connect to the socket pop up, as soon as I search for videos it crashes and goes to my home screen, it's getting SOOO frustrating!

Oct 27, 4 0. Everywhere Threads This forum This thread. Jan 8, 1 0.

For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Also I think it has to be some rights issue Sorry for bringing this up.

mxtube 2.1

I had the same problem- I think you need to update to 1. If you can't figure out what's up with your mxtube dtunes is an alternative.

Oct 6, 1 0. It says "error connecting to socket", so why did deleting a symbolic link obviously towards the socket helped out?!?!

MxTube: Cannot Connect to Socket

Cannot Connect to Socket. Tried restore and repeat the process but it does not help. Hi, i have got the same problem.

mxtube 2.1

You must log in or register to reply here. Oct 21, 5 0. Have you tried upgrading mxtube as previously stated? I already uninstalled it and reinstalled it a couple of times and I'd still mctube the error.

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Try that cuz it worked for me Dunno about the 3g version though. Renamed the MxTube folder from the library to Empty and installed Mxtube again.

mxtube 2.1

Just no idea where to fix permission Thx for thinking Andi. I synced everything, didn't restore any backups in iTunes, then I installed all of my old apps I had before. TurboRiceCooker macrumors newbie Original poster.

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