Friday, 29 November 2019


All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from July Articles with permanently dead external links CS1 maint: Other hits released during were "Room to Breathe", "Phlex" which reached No. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Retrieved 12 November Blindspott was formed in and developed a loyal following in the years leading up to their self-titled album release. On 31 August , the band members, including Shelton Woolwright, announced they would be reforming for a one off show in September as part of the Rock Countdown. The band had also reformed to include its original members.

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Views Read Edit View history. On 15 Mayit was announced on Facebook that Blindspott had reunited and were writing new material. The same day they were confirmed for Homegrown This page was last edited on 14 Septemberat Currently the band members are in a legal battle with former drummer, Shelton Woolright, to keep releasing music under the name of Blindspott.

Blindspott Top 50 Songs

Other hits released during were "Room to Breathe", "Phlex" which reached No. Retrieved from " https: After performing under the name Blacklistt for several years, the original line-up ssongs back together in Blindspotttheir self-titled debut album, was released in and reached number 1, going platinum in New Zealand in its first week of release.

Archived from the original on 3 October Blindspott is an alternative metal [1] band from WaitakereNew Zealand. On 31 Augustthe band members, including Shelton Woolwright, announced they would be reforming for a one off show in September as part of the Rock Countdown.

Top "Blindspott" Songs

In NovemberBlindspott announced they were reuniting for a one-off performance at the Vodafone Homegrown Music Festival in Wellington on 14 March as one of three acts reforming to perform at the festival. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Nu metal alternative metal rapcore. T" and "Lit Up". Retrieved 20 September The band played its final concert on 25 August at the Powerstation nightclub in Auckland.

All articles with dead external links Articles with dead external links from July Articles with permanently dead external links CS1 maint: Retrieved 19 July Retrieved 12 November Founding member Marcus Powell released a new track called "Sleep" with his side project - City of Souls in March Retrieved 14 September The New Zealand Herald.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. WaitakereAucklandNew Zealand. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Often labelled as a "nu-metal" band, the band has insisted this genre label was a result of the world catching up to their early development, rather than capitalising on a popular sound at the time.

On 5 Marchlead singer Damian Alexander announced they would be releasing their new single "From The Blind Spot" under the name Blacklistt due to legal reasons. Inafter 10 years together and many publicised band fallouts, Blindspott broke up. Retrieved 27 September Nu metal musical groups New Zealand heavy metal musical groups Musical groups established in Musical groups disestablished in Musical groups reestablished in Musical quintets.

The band then later announced that they would embark on a reunion tour in December with support from fellow NZ band Devilskin. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. For film, see Blindspotting.

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